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Topping-out Ceremony of New Building’s Main Structure and Alumni Return for Campus Tour

time:June 30, 2023 author: edit:SHI Zheng

Topping-out Ceremony of New Building’s Main Structure and Alumni Return for Campus Tour

On the morning of June 28, the main structure of the new building at the School was successfully topped out. The construction project of the building began on January 3, 2020, with a total construction area of 88,000 square meters, adjacent to the Huxi River. After the completion of the project, it will accommodate units such as the School of Computer Science and Technology, the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, the Network and Information Technology Office, the Network Center. The building for the School of Computer Science and Technology covers an area of 48,000 square meters, with a total investment of approximately 247 million yuan.

Professor Jianhui Ma, a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of HUST, welcomed alumni and representatives of relevant units who participated in the event, expressing gratitude for their concern and support for the school's discipline development of HUST. He said that HUST has always attached great importance to and supported the construction of the new building, as well as the development of the information discipline. The building embodies the love of alumni, HUST, and related school and departments, demonstrating the joint efforts and responsibilities. He hopes that the teachers and students of the information discipline will take the topping-out ceremony as an opportunity to forge ahead and create new achievements, work together with alumni, jointly create greater development for the information discipline and a "better HUST", and contribute to the school's wisdom and strength in realizing technological self-reliance.

Hongjia Gong , the General manager of Shenzhen Jiadaogu Investment Management Co., Ltd. and representative of alumni from the School of Computer Science and Technology, Kang Ren, the Founder and General Manager of Gyenno Science and representative of alumni from the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation,and Jiangzeng Song, the Deputy Director of the Central China Branch of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. and representative of alumni from the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, all extended congratulations on the successful topping-out of the building. They expressed their hopes that the construction of the building will contribute to the growth of information discipline.

Subsequently, leaders, alumni, and guests attending the event jointly sealed the topping-out of the building with mortar and visited the interior of the building.

Attendees included alumni representatives, former leaders of the school, alumni representatives currently working at the school, representatives from related units of the school, leaders from the Central China Branch of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd, and leaders from the project supervision unit, Zhongtao Huasheng Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.

The establishment of this building has been the dream of several generations of computer professionals. Therefore, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the School is fully committed to implementing a pragmatic approach. Since there is still a funding gap of over 30 million yuan for the subsequent construction of the building, the School, with the support of HUST, established the Computer School Development Fund in May of this year. The aim of the fund is to mobilize alumni and outstanding members of society to contribute to the construction of the building and the development of the discipline. The fund has received enthusiastic responses and strong support from a wide range of alumni. We are deeply grateful for this support and hope to continue to receive assistance from alumni and individuals in society who are willing to contribute.

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