Liu Kang Associate researcher Supervisor of Master's Candidates Phone: Email: kangliu@hust.edu.cn Academic Areas: IC Design Automation, machine learning Security and Privacy
Personal Profile
Dr. Liu Kang, associate researcher, supervisor of master’s candidates. Dr. Liu obtained the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from New York University, USA. Prior to that, he worked as a software engineer at Evertz Microsystems Ltd., Canada. He is now with the School of Computer Science and Technology at Huazhong University of Science and Technology and affiliated with Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, in devotion to teaching and research since 2021. His research interests include IC design automation and machine learning security and privacy. He has publications in renowned journals and conferences such as IEEE TCAD, ACM TODAES, DAC, DATE, AAAI, RAID, IEEE SOCC, etc. He served/serves as a TPC member of DAC 2022 and 2023, guest editor of the Journal of Hardware and Systems Security (HASS), and reviewer for several journals and conferences. He is a member of IEEE and CCF. He was elected as the Wuhan Elite (Outstanding Young) in 2021.
Academic Degrees
New York University Doctoral Degree
Professional Experience
Evertz Microsystems Ltd., Canada
Courses Taught
Computer Vision
Awards and Honors
Wuhan Elite (Outstanding Young)
Selected Projects Funded
On the Robustness of Deep Leaning-based Models for IC Layout Lithographic Hotspot Detection, NSFC
Selected Publications
Professional Affiliations
IEEE member, CCF member
Research Group
Enrollment Information
Personal Homepage