Ding Junwen Lecturer of Computer Science Phone: Email: junwending@hust.edu.cn Academic Areas: Intelligent Optimization Method and its Application in Production Scheduling, Intelligent Optimization and Decision-making, Heuristic Optimization, Intelligent Computational Method for Solving Large-scale Combinatorial Optimization Problems (Local search, Tabu Search, Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm, etc) |
Personal Profile
Dr. Ding Junwen, Associate Professor, received his Ph.D in 2017 from the School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, under the supervision of Professor Zhipeng Lü. From January 2018 to August 2020, he was engaged in post-doctoral research in the School, and his co-supervisor was Professor Chumin Li, professor of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Picardie Jules Verne in France, and winner of the Scientific Research Contribution Award of the French Ministry of Science and Technology. From January 2016 to January 2018, he worked as a research assistant in the Department of Operations Research and Management at the Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany and at the School of Economics and Management at the Technische Universität Dresden. His main research direction is intelligent optimization method and its application in production scheduling, intelligent optimization and decision-making, heuristic optimization algorithms, intelligent computational method for solving large-scale combinatorial optimization problems (local search, tabu search, hybrid evolutionary algorithm, etc)
Academic Degrees
Computer Software and Theory
2014.9 ~ 2017.12
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Ph.D. in Engineering - Graduated with a Ph.D. degree
2011.9 ~ 2014.3
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Master of Engineering - Graduated with a Master's degree
Professional Experience
2022.12 - present
School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor, Full-time
2020.9 - 2022.11
School of Computer Science and Technology , Huazhong University of Science and Technology , Lecturer -,Full-time
2018.1 - 2020.8
School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Postdoctoral Fellow, Full-time
Courses Taught
Discrete mathematics, to undergraduates
Algorithm Design and Analysis Practice Course, to undergraduates
Awards and Honors
Silver award of the North Province Competition of the 8th China International "Internet" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in 2022, prime instructor
National Scholarship for Postgraduate Students in 2016
National Scholarship for Postgraduate Students in 2013
Selected Projects Funded
He was granted by the fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China and the postdoctoral fund.
Selected Publications
[1] Ding J, Lü Z, Li C M, Shen L, Xu L, Glover F. A two-individual based evolutionary algorithm for the flexible job shop scheduling problem[C] Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2019). 2019: 2262–2271.
[2] Ding J, Shen L, Lü Z, Xu L, Benlic U. A hybrid memetic algorithm for the parallel machine scheduling problem with job deteriorating effects[J]. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2020, 4(3): 385–397.
[3] Ding J, Schulz S, Shen L, Buscher U, Lü Z. Energy aware scheduling in flexible flow shops with hybrid particle swarm optimization[J]. Computers & Operations Research, 2021, 125: 105088.
[4] Ding J, Shen L, Lü Z, Peng B. Parallel machine scheduling with completion-time-based criteria and sequence-dependent deterioration[J]. Computers & Operations Research, 2019, 103: 35–45.
[5] Ding J, Lü Z, Cheng T C E, Xu L. A hybrid evolutionary approach for the single-machine total weighted tardiness problem[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017, 108: 70–80.
[6] Ding J, Lü Z, Zhou T, Xu L. A quality and distance guided hybrid algorithm for the vertex separator problem[J]. Computers & Operations Research, 2017, 78: 255–266.
[7] Ding J, Lü Z, Cheng T C E, Xu L. Breakout dynasearch for the single-machine total weighted tardiness problem[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016, 98: 1–10.
[8] Yin A, Zhou T, Ding J,* Zhao Q, Lü Z. Greedy randomized adaptive search procedure with path-relinking for the vertex p-center problem[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2017, 32(6): 1319–1334.
[9] Peng B, Liu D, Lü Z, Martí R, Ding J. Adaptive memory programming for the dynamic bipartite drawing problem[J]. Information Sciences, 2020, 517: 183–197.
[10] Zhou T, Lü Z, Wang Y, Ding J, Peng B. Multi-start iterated tabu search for the minimum weight vertex cover problem[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2016, 32(2): 368–384.
Professional Affiliations
Research Group
Team name: Intelligent Decision-making and System Optimization
Team introduction: The team focuses on the theory, design and implementation of heuristic algorithms for intelligent optimization and intelligent decision-making, combined with artificial intelligence algorithms, machine learning, reinforcement learning, intelligent optimization and decision-making techniques, to realize the modeling and solution of complex systems, and promote the wide application of intelligent optimization and decision-making in the industry.
Enrollment Information
2-3 master candidates are enrolled each year
Personal Homepage