Jin YanAssociate Professor of Computer Science Phone: Email: jinyan@mail.hust.edu.cn Academic Areas: Combinatorial optimization, hybrid evolutionary computation, heuristic, reinforcement learning |
Personal Profile
Dr. Jin Yan, Associate Professor, supervisor of doctorial candidates, received her PhD degree, in 2016, from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Angers, France, under the tutelage of Dr. Jin-Kao Hao, National Superprofessor of France and IUF Senior Fellow of the Research Institute of the University of France. She was selected as a visiting scholar of the Microsoft Research Cast Star Program(2020).
From February to March 2017, she visited the Department of Computer Science, Royal Mary University of London as a visiting scholar,carrying out cooperation in research on airport flight and parking scheduling algorithm.
From August to October 2018, she visited the Institute of Technology in Montreal, Canada as a visiting scholar, cooperating with Michel Gendreau. In studying vehicle routing scheduling algorithm.
Her research interest covers optimization theory and method based on machine learning, intelligent computing for solving large-scale combinatorial optimization problems (neighborhood search, heuristic optimization, hybrid evolutionary computing, reinforcement learning, etc.).
She is now in the Data Mining and Machine Learning Laboratory and the John Hopcroft Studio of Innovation Research Institute.Her research field covers algorithm design and analysis, data mining, machine learning, deep learning, etc.
Research contents: Deep learning-based vehicle Routing algorithm, rectangular Packing problem optimization algorithm, circuit layout optimization algorithm, maximum clique and community detection optimization algorithm, graph segmentation optimization algorithm, hybrid evolution algorithm for graph coloring problem and scheduling problem, reinforcement learning algorithm for Routing problem, etc.
Academic Degrees
2011.10 ~ 2015.5
University of Angers Doctoral Degree in Engineering - Postgraduate (Doctoral)
2009.9 ~ 2012.3
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Master’s Degree in Engineering - Postgraduate (Master)
2005.9 ~ 2009.6
Wenhua College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology undergraduate(Bachelor)
Professional Experience
Huazhong University of Science and Technology - School of Computer Science and Technology - Associate Professor - In-service
Huazhong University of Science and Technology - School of Computer Science and Technology- Lecturer - In-service
Courses Taught
Discrete Mathematics Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Awards and Honors
[1] 2018 Awarded as “Excellent Head Teacher” in the academic year of 2017-2018
[2] 2018 Won the second prize of Teaching Quality Award in the academic year of 2017-2018
[3] 2017 Won the second prize of Teaching Competition of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in the academic year of 2016-2017.
Selected Projects Funded
[1] NSFC for Youth, No.61602196, Research on the lower bound of some varieties of graph coloring and its intelligent search algorithm, Project Leader, 01/2017-12/2019. ,
[2] Independent Innovation Foundation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No.2016YXMS084, Research on layout planning of large-scale integrated circuits based on Graph segmentation Method, Project Leader, 06/2016-12/2017.
[3] NSFC, No.611772219, Research on community detection algorithm based on local spectrum in large networks, Major Participant, 01/2018-12/2018.,
[4] NSFC National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.61173180, Packing scheduling for efficient use of four-dimensional space-time, Major Participant, 01/2012-12/2015.,
[5] Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Basic Research, No. JCYJ20170307154749425, Machine Learning-based efficient layout planning method for VLSI, Major Participant, 07/2017-06/2019.
Selected Publications
[1] Yan Jin, John H Drake, Kun He, et al. Reinforcement learning based coarse-to-fine search for the maximum k-plex problem[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2022: 109758.
[2] Yan Jin, Bowen Xiong, Kun He, et al. Clustering Driven Iterated Hybrid Search for Vertex Bisection Minimization[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2021.
[3] Yan Jin, Bowen Xiong, Kun He, et al. On fast enumeration of maximal cliques in large graphs[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022, 187: 115915.
[4] Yi Zhou, W Lin, Jin-Kao Hao, Mingyu Xiao, Yan Jin. An effective branch-and-bound algorithm for the maximum s-bundle problem[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2022, 297(1): 27-39.
[5] Yi Zhou, Mingyu Xiao, Zhenyu Guo, Jingwei Xu, Yan Jin*. Enumerating Maximal k-Plexes with Worst-Case Time Guarantee. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI),2020,(3):2442-2449
[6] Yan Jin, Jin-Kao Hao. Solving the Latin square completion problem by memetic graph coloring. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2019, (6): 1015-1028
[7] Qinghua Wu, Qing Zhou, Yan Jin*, Jin-Kao Hao. Minimum sum coloring for large graphs with extraction and backward expansion search. Applied Soft Computing,62:1056-1065, 2018. (SCI, IF 3.541).
[8] Kun He, Huan Yang, Yan Jin*, Qian Hu, Pengli Ji. The Orthogonal Packing and Scheduling Problem: Model, Heuristic and Benchmark. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2017.2768072, 2017. (SCI, IF 2.350).
[9] Kun He, Mohammed Dosh*, Yan Jin, Shenghao Zou. Packing UnequalCircles into a Square Container based on the Narrow Action Spaces. Science China Information Sciences, accepted, 2017. (SCI, IF 2.350).
[10] Pengli Ji, Kun He*, Yan Jin, Hongsheng Lan, Chu-Min Li. An iterative merging algorithm for soft rectangle packing and its extension for application of fixed-outline floorplanning of soft modules. Computers & Operations Research, 2017, 86:110-123. (SCI, IF 2.600).
[11] Yan Jin, Jean-Philippe Hamiez, Jin-Kao Hao*. Algorithms for the minimum sum coloring problem: a review. Artificial Intelligence Review, 47(3): 367-394, 2017 . (SCI, IF 2.627).
[12] Yan Jin, Jin-Kao Hao*. Hybrid evolutionary search for the minimum sum coloring problem of graphs. Information Sciences, 352-353: 15-34, 2016. (SCI,IF 4.832).
[13] Yan Jin, Jin-Kao Hao*. Effective learning-based hybrid search for bandwidth coloring. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 45(4): 624-635, 2015. (SCI, IF 2.350).
[14] Yan Jin, Jin-Kao Hao*. General swap-based multiple neighborhood tabu search for finding maximum independent set. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 37: 20-33, 2015. (SCI, IF 2.894).
[15] Yan Jin, Jin-Kao Hao*, Jean-Philippe Hamiez. A memetic algorithm for the minimum sum coloring problem. Computers & Operations Research, 43(3): 318-327, 2014. (SCI,IF 2.600).
[16] Kun He, Yan Jin*, Wenqi Huang. Heuristics for two-dimensional strip packing problem with 90° rotations. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(14): 5542-5550, 2013. (SCI,IF 3.928).
[17] Kun He, Wenqi Huang*, Yan Jin. An efficient deterministic heuristic for twodimensional rectangular packing. Computers & Operations Research, 39(7): 1355-1363, 2012. (SCI,IF:2.600).
Professional Affiliations
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