Wang Tianjiang Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates Phone: 027-87557922/18971523487 Email: tjwang@hust.edu.cn Academic Areas: Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Computer vision, Image processing, Industrial big data analysis, Industrial product surface quality inspection, Virtual reality and augmented reality, Smart city and Intelligent video surveillance, Intelligent virtual teaching. |
Personal Profile
Dr Wang Tianjiang is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Computer Science and technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He graduated from Huazhong Institute of Technology in 1982 with a bachelor's degree in mathematics and graduated from Wuhan Institute of Technology in 1988 with a master's degree in information management. He graduated from the School of Computer Science and technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2002 with a Ph.D. degree. In 2008, he was a visiting scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He has presided over (or participated in) more than 10 scientific research projects such as the National "Tenth Five-Year Plan Period of China" Science and Technology Research Plan project, the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program), the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Hubei Province Key Science and Technology Research Project, Hubei Province CIMS Demonstration Project and the major projects entrusted by China's large enterprises. He has published more than 60 papers in authoritative journals or international conferences at home and abroad.
Academic Degrees
1988.9 - 2002.11
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Doctoral Degree - Postgraduate (Doctoral)
1985.9 - 1988.7
Wuhan Institute of Technology Postgraduate (Master's Degree)
1978.9 - 1982.7
Huazhong Institute of Technology Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)
Professional Experience
2004.7 - Now
Huazhong University of Science and Technology - School of Computer Science and Technology - Professor, doctoral supervisor
2005.7 - 2016.10
Huazhong University of Science and Technology - School of Computer Science and Technology - Associate Dean - Professor
1992.4 - 2002.11
Wuhan Iron and Steel Company - Third Steel Plant - Senior Engineer
1982.7 - 1985.8
Wuhan Iron and Steel Company - Cold Rolling Mill - Assistant Engineer
Courses Taught
Awards and Honors
Selected Projects Funded
[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China "Research on Multi-label Image Recognition Technology Based on Depth Image Feature Atlas [61572214]"
[2] National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Research on Generalized Gaussian Distribution Image Feature Analysis Based on Lie Group Theory" [6107309]
[3] National High Technology Research and Development Program of China [863 Program][general program] "Research on Emotion Recognition Technology Based on Human Motor Features in Monocular Video" [2007AA01Z161]
[4] Huazhong University of Science and Technology Research Fund Project "Semantic-based Intelligent Multimedia Search Engine [2006Z001B]"
[5] Wuhan Science and Technology Plan Project "Research on Key Technologies of Multi-camera Collaborative Perception and Data Fusion for Smart Communities".
[6] Wuhan Science and Technology Plan Project "Cloud Computing Based Geographic Data Management and Transaction Service Platform".
[7] Enterprise cooperation project "Big Data Acquisition and Distribution Storage System".
[8] Enterprise cooperation project "Intelligent App and Video Analysis System".
[9] Enterprise cooperation project "Big data analysis system for vacuum coating equipment".
[10] Enterprise cooperation project "Big data analysis system for vacuum coating equipment".
[11] Enterprise cooperation project " Intelligent monitoring system for High-rise littering".
[12] Enterprise cooperation project "Remote Intelligent Monitoring System for the Elderly".
[13] Enterprise cooperation project "Adaptive Decision Making and Environmental Change Simulation System".
[14] Enterprise cooperation project "Three Gorges Hydrological Forecasting and Consultation System".
[15] National science and technology research project "National Foreign Exchange Management Decision Making Information System".
[16] National High Technology Research and Development Program of China [863 Program]"CIMS Application Demonstration Project of Wuhan Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications".
Selected Publications
For conference:
[1] Gwang-Min Choe, Tianjiang Wang, Qi Feng, Chun-Hwa Choe, Sokmin Han, Hun Kim: Sophisticated Tracking Framework with Combined Detector. ICIG (3) 2015: 402-409
[2] Khawlah Hussein Ali, Tianjiang Wang: Recognition of Human Action and Identification Based on SIFT and Watermark. ICIC (2) 2014: 298-309
[3] Yucheng Shu, Tianjiang Wang, Guangpu Shao, Fang Liu, Qi Feng: DTRF: A physiologically motivated method for image description.ICIP2014: 5666-5670
[4] Guangpu Shao, Junbin Gao, Tianjiang Wang, Fang Liu, Yucheng Shu, Yong Yang:Fuzzy c-means clustering with a new regularization term for image segmentation. IJCNN 2014: 2862-2869
[5] Chunlong Hu, Liyu Gong, Tianjiang Wang, Qi Feng:Effective head pose estimation using Lie Algebrized Gaussians. ICME 2013: 1-6
[6] Xinwei Jiang, Junbin Gao, Daming Shi, Tianjiang Wang:Thin Plate Spline Latent Variable Models for dimensionality reduction. IJCNN 2012: 1-8
[7] Liyu Gong, Tianjiang Wang, Chengshuo Wang, Fang Liu, Fuqiang Zhang and Xiaoyuan Yu, “Recognizing Affect from Non-stylized Body Motion Using Shape of Gaussian Descriptors”, In ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), 2010
[8] Xinwei Jiang, Junbin Gao, Tianjiang Wang, Paul W. Kwan: Learning Gradients with Gaussian Processes. PAKDD (2) 2010: 113-124
[9] Liyu Gong, Tianjiang Wang and Fang Liu. Shape of Gaussians as Feature Descriptors. In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2009.
[10] Liyu Gong, Tianjiang Wang, Yan Yu, Fang Liu and Xianggen Hu. A Lie group based Gaussian Mixture Model distance measure for multimedia comparison. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service(ICIMCS),2009.
[11] Tian-jiang Wang, Gang Chen and Perfecto Herrera. Music retrieval based on a multi-samples selection strategy for support vector machine active learning. In ACM symposium on applied computing (SAC), 2009.
[12] Liyu Gong, Tianjiang Wang and Fang Liu, “A Lie Group based Spatiogram Similarity Measure”, In International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2009.
[13] Fang Liu, Xiang Peng, Tianjiang Wang and Songfeng Lu. A Density-based Approach for Text Extraction in Images. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2008.
[14] Fang Liu, Shaohua Zhu, Yuxiao Fu, Fan Fan Tianjiang Wang and Songfeng Lu. Image Analysis of the Relationship between Changes of Cornea and Postmortem Interval. In Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI), 2008
[15] Tianjiang Wang, Liyu Gong and Fang Liu. Detecing Human in Still Images by Learning Multi-scale Mid-level Features, International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC), 2008.
[16] Chen Gang and Wang Tianjiang. A Novel Music Retrieval System with Relevance Feedback, In International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC), 2008.
[17] Fang Liu, Xiang Peng, Tianjiang Wang. A New Method for Text Detection and Segmentation from Complex Images, SPIE Fifth International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR), 2007.
[18] Tianjiang Wang, Yi Zhang, A Digital Watermarking Method in H.264 Video Transmission, The 2006 International Conference on Communication Technology, GuiLin, P. R. China, 2006.
[19] Tianjiang Wang, Zhengding Lu, Fan Li, Distance Measures Between Vague Sets (Values), Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Control & Measurement, Dali, P.R.China, 2004. Beijing. China Aviation Industry Press
[20] Tianjiang Wang, Zhengding Lu, Fan Li, New Linear Interpolative Reasoning in Sparse Fuzzy Rule, Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Control & Measurement, Dali P.R.China. 2004. Beijing. China Aviation Industry Press
For Journal
[1] Feng Q, Wang T, Liu F, et al. Research on multi-camera information fusion method for intelligent perception[J] Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2017:1-24.
[2] Yuan C, Xu C, Wang T, et al. Deep multi-instance learning for end-to-end person re-identification[J] Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2017(4):1-31.
[3] Ping Feng, Chunyan Xu, Zhiqiang Zhao, Fang Liu, Caihong Yuan, Tianjiang Wang, Kui Duan:Sparse representation combined with context information for visual tracking.Neurocomputing 225: 92-102 (2017)
[4] Zhiqiang Zhao, Ping Feng, Tianjiang Wang, Fang Liu, Caihong Yuan, Jingjuan Guo, Zhijian Zhao, Zongmin Cui:Dual-scale structural local sparse appearance model for robust object tracking.Neurocomputing 237: 101-113 (2017)
[5] Zhiqiang Zhao, Tianjiang Wang, Fang Liu, Gwang-Min Choe, Caihong Yuan, Zongmin Cui:Remarkable local resampling based on particle filter for visual tracking. Multimedia Tools Appl. 76(1): 835-860 (2017)
[6] Yucheng Shu, Tianjiang Wang, Guangpu Shao, Chunlong Hu:Discriminative transform of receptive field patterns for feature representation.Multimedia Tools Appl. 75(13): 7495-7517 (2016)
[7] Meng Chen, Liyu Gong, Tianjiang Wang, Fang Liu, Qi Feng:Modeling spatio-temporal layout with Lie Algebrized Gaussians for action recognition.Multimedia Tools Appl. 75(17): 10335-10355 (2016)
[8] Gwang-Min Choe, Caihong Yuan, Tianjiang Wang, Qi Feng, Gyong-Il Hyon, Chun-Hwa Choe, Jonghwan Ri, Gumhyok Ji: Combined salience based person re-identification. Multimedia Tools Appl. 75(18): 11447-11468 (2016)
[9] Chunyan Xu, Canyi Lu, Xiaodan Liang, Junbin Gao, Wei Zheng, Tianjiang Wang, Shuicheng Yan: Multi-loss Regularized Deep Neural Network. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 26(12): 2273-2283 (2016)
[10] Gwang-Min Choe, Tianjiang Wang, Fang Liu, Suchol Hyon, Jong Won Ha: Particle filter with spline resampling and global transition model. IET Computer Vision 9(2): 184-197 (2015)
[11] Meng Chen, Liyu Gong, Tianjiang Wang, Qi Feng: Action recognition using lie algebrized gaussians over dense local spatio-temporal features. Multimedia Tools Appl. 74(6): 2127-2142 (2015)
[12] Chunlong Hu, Liyu Gong, Tianjiang Wang, Qi Feng: Effective human age estimation using a two-stage approach based on Lie Algebrized Gaussians feature. Multimedia Tools Appl.74(11): 4139-4159 (2015)
[13] Gwang-Min Choe, Tianjiang Wang, Fang Liu, Chun-Hwa Choe, Hyo-Son So: Visual tracking based on particle filter with spline resampling. Multimedia Tools Appl. 74(17): 7195-7220 (2015)
[14] Gwang-Min Choe, Tianjiang Wang, Fang Liu, Chun-Hwa Choe, Manhung Jong: An advanced association of particle filtering and kernel based object tracking. Multimedia Tools Appl. 74(18): 7595-7619 (2015)
[15] Gwang-Min Choe, Tianjiang Wang, Fang Liu, Gwangho Li, Hyongwang O, Songryong Kim: Moving object tracking based on geogram. Multimedia Tools Appl. 74(21): 9771-9794 (2015)
[16] Xiaoyuan Yu, Jianchao Yang, Zhe L. Lin, Jiangping Wang, Tianjiang Wang, Thomas S. Huang: Subcategory-Aware Object Detection. IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 22(9): 1472-1476 (2015)
[17] Chunyan Xu, Canyi Lu, Junbin Gao, Tianjiang Wang, Shuicheng Yan: Facial Analysis With a Lie Group Kernel. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 25(7): 1140-1150 (2015)
[18] Chunyan Xu, Canyi Lu, Junbin Gao, Wei Zheng, Tianjiang Wang, Shuicheng Yan: Discriminative Analysis for Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices on Lie Groups. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 25(10): 1576-1585 (2015)
[19] Xiaoyuan Yu, Jianchao Yang, Tianjiang Wang, Thomas S. Huang: Key Point Detection by Max Pooling for Tracking. IEEE Trans. Cybernetics 45(3): 444-452 (2015)
[20] Yi Ding, Qi Feng, Tianjiang Wang, Xian Fu: A modular neural network architecture with concept. Neurocomputing 125: 3-6 (2014)
[21] Yucheng Shu, Tianjiang Wang, Guangpu Shao, Fang Liu, Qi Feng: Robust Differential Circle Patterns based on fuzzy membership-pooling: A novel local image descriptor. Neurocomputing 144: 378-390 (2014)
[22] Yong Yang, Ling Guo, Tianjiang Wang, Wenbing Tao, Guangpu Shao, Qi Feng: Unsupervised multiphase color-texture image segmentation based on variational formulation and multilayer graph. Image Vision Comput. 32(2): 87-106 (2014)
[23] Gwang-Min Choe, Tianjiang Wang, Fang Liu, Chun-Hwa Choe, Hyo-Son So, Chol-Ung Pak: Anadvanced integrated framework for moving object tracking. Journal of Zhejiang University - Science C 15(10): 861-877 (2014)
[24] Chunlong Hu, Liyu Gong, Tianjiang Wang, Fang Liu, Qi Feng: An effective head pose estimation approach using Lie Algebrized Gaussians based face representation. Multimedia Tools Appl.73(3): 1863-1884 (2014)
[25] Xinwei Jiang, Junbin Gao, Tianjiang Wang, Daming Shi: TPSLVM: A Dimensionality Reduction Algorithm Based On Thin Plate Splines. IEEE Trans. Cybernetics 44(10): 1795-1807 (2014)
[26] Chunyan Xu, Tianjiang Wang, Junbin Gao, Shougang Cao, Wenbing Tao, Fang Liu: An Ordered-Patch-Based Image Classification Approach on the Image Grassmannian Manifold. IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learning Syst. 25(4): 728-737 (2014)
[27] Guangpu Shao, Junbin Gao, Tianjiang Wang, Fang Liu, Yucheng Shu, Yong Yang: Image Segmentation Based on Spatially Coherent Gaussian Mixture Model. DICTA 2014: 1-6
[28] Yi Ding, Tianjiang Wang, Xian Fu: Using Neural Networks and Self-Organizing Maps for Image Connecting. Cognitive Computation 5(1): 13-18 (2013)
[29] Xiaoyuan Yu, Jiangping Wang, Roland Kays, Patrick A. Jansen, Tianjiang Wang, Thomas S. Huang: Automated identification of animal species in camera trap images. EURASIP J. Image and Video Processing 2013: 52 (2013)
[30] Bingpeng Ma, Xiujuan Chai, Tianjiang Wang: A novel feature descriptor based on biologically inspired feature for head pose estimation. Neurocomputing 115: 1-10 (2013)
[31] Yong Yang, Shoudong Han, Tianjiang Wang, Wenbing Tao, Xue-Cheng Tai: Multilayer graph cuts based unsupervised color-texture image segmentation using multivariate mixed student's t-distribution and regional credibility merging. Pattern Recognition 46(4): 1101-1124 (2013)
[32] Xinwei Jiang, Junbin Gao, Tianjiang Wang, Lihong Zheng:Supervised Latent Linear Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Dimensionality Reduction.IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 42(6): 1620-1632 (2012)
[33] Gang Chen,Tianjiang Wang,Multi-Class support vector machine active learning for music annotation, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Inforrmative & control, 2010.3: p921-930
[34] Wenbing Tao, Feng Chang, Liman Liu, Hai Jin, Tianjiang Wang: Interactively multiphase image segmentation based on variational formulation and graph cuts. Pattern Recognition 43(10): 3208-3218 (2010)
[35] Shoudong Han, Wenbing Tao, Xianglin Wu, Xue-Cheng Tai, Tianjiang Wang: Fast image segmentation based on multilevel banded closed-form method. Pattern Recognition Letters 31(3): 216-225 (2010)
[36] Liu Wenjun, Wang Tianjiang and Liu Fang. Multi-Agent Group Programming Based On Co-evolution. The Computer Journal, 2009.
[37] Tianjiang Wang, Yongjun Zhang, Fast associated classification algorithm of medical images based on constraints, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2005, 33(5):49-54. (Chinese)
[38] Tianjiang Wang, Fang Liu, Zhengding Lu, A Record Matching Algorithm Based on Clustering Collection, Computer Engineering and Science, 2004, 26(9):62-63. (Chinese)
[39] Tianjiang Wang, Zhengding Lu, Fan Li, Bidirectional approximate reasoning based on vague set, Dynamics Of Continuous, Discrete And Impulsive Systems,2003.12
[40] Tianjiang Wang, Zhengding Lu, Finding Relevant Documents Using Hyperlink and Similarity Measure on the Web, Mini-micro Systems, 2004, 25(5). (Chinese)
[41] Tianjiang Wang, Zhengding Lu, A Linear Interpolative Reasoning Approach under Multi-Dimensonal Fuzzy Rules, Computer Science, 2004, 31(6). (Chinese)
[42] Tianjiang Wang, Weiguo Ye, Zhengding Lu, Yongping Li, Text classification based on integrating LSI with k-nearnest neighbor, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2004, 32 (4). (Chinese)
[43] Tianjiang Wang, Zhengding Lu, Multicriteria Fuzzy Decision Making Method by Using Approximate Reasoning Based on Vague Set, Computer Science, 2004. 31 (5). (Chinese)
[44] Tianjiang Wang, Zhengding Lu, Fan Li, Bidirectional Approximate Reasoning Based on Weighted Similarity Measures of Vague Set, Mini-micro Systems, 2004. (Chinese)
[45] Tianjiang Wang, Zhengding Lu, Reasearch on Similarity Interpolative Reasoning for the Sparse Fuzzy Rule, Computer Science, 2004, 31(5). (Chinese)
Professional Affiliations
2012.6 - Now
Standing member of Virtual Reality Special Committee of China Computer Federation
2013.6 - Now
Director of China Society of Image and Graphics (CSIG)
2016.8 - Now
Chairman of Wuhan Optics Valley of China VR and AR Industry Innovation Alliance
2013.6 - Now
Part-time Professor, School of Computing, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Research Group
Intelligent Big Data and Multimedia Lab
Description of Research Group:
Our lab focuses on artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, big data analysis, computer vision, and virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR). We have more than 10 patents and software copyrights.
The laboratory has one professor/doctoral supervisor, three associate professors, one lecturer, more than 10 doctoral students, more than 30 master students and 3 foreign students.
The laboratory has undertaken more than 30 projects, including the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program), the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Hubei Province Key Science and Technology Research Project, Wuhan Science and Technology Key Project, and other scientific and technological cooperation projects. We have published more than 70 papers in top journals and conferences.
Current Projects:
Deep learning theory research and intelligent virtual teaching system
In the theoretical research of deep learning, our team proposes algorithms such as multi-classification and pedestrian re-recognition based on deep learning. We have published many papers in top journals and conferences.
At the same time, we study the theory and method of virtual reality, combine virtual reality and artificial intelligence, and apply it to the virtual teaching system of neural memory, so that the cross-teaching of bioneurology and artificial neural network is more vivid, easier to understand, and teaching effect can be improved.
Enrollment Information
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