Wang Xiong Associate Professor Supervisor of Master's Candidates Phone: Email: xiongwang@hust.edu.cn Academic Areas: Networking Modeling and Analysis |
Personal Profile
I am an associate associate professor in School of Computer and Technology of HUST.I received Bachelor degree from HUST in 2014; and Ph.D. degree from SJTU in 2019, advised by Prof. Xinbing Wang.I was a Post-Doctoral Fellow in CUHK, advised by Prof. John C.S. Lui from 2019.11-2021.11.
Academic Degrees
The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Department of Computer Science and Engineering PostDoc. researcher
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Information and Communication Engineering Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Electronic Information Engineering, advanced class Bachelor
Professional Experience
The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Department of Computer Science and Engineering PostDoc. Fellow
Courses Taught
Awards and Honors
Selected Projects Funded
Selected Publications
[1] Xiong Wang,Jiancheng Ye.John C.S. Lui.Decentralized Scheduling and Dynamic Pricing for Edge Computing: A Mean Field Game Approach.IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,
[2] Xiong Wang, Jiancheng Ye, John C. S. Lui,Decentralized Task Offloading in Edge Computing: A Multi-User Multi-Armed Bandit Approach.IEEE INFOCOM 2022,
[3] Xiong Wang, Riheng Jia, Xiaohua Tian, and Xiaoying Gan,Dynamic Task Assignment in Crowdsensing with Location Awareness and Location Diversity.IEEE INFOCOM 2018,
[4] Xiong Wang, Riheng Jia,Mean Field Equilibrium in Multi-Armed Bandit Game with Continuous Reward.IJCAI 2021,
[5] Xiong Wang, Jiancheng Ye, and John C.S. Lui,Joint D2D Collaboration and Task Ofoading for Edge Computing: A Mean Field Graph Approach.IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2021,
[6] Xiong Wang, Riheng Jia, Haiming Jin, Xiaohua Tian, Xiaoying Gan, and Xinbing Wang,Online Spatial Crowdsensing with Expertise-aware Truth Inference and Task Allocation.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,2021,
[7] Xiong Wang, Riheng Jia, Xiaohua Tian, Xiaoying Gan, and Xinbing Wang,Location-Aware Crowdsensing: Dynamic Task Assignment and Truth Inference.IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,2018,
[8] Xiong Wang, Zhe Liu, Xiaohua Tian, Xiaoying Gan, Yunfeng Guang, and Xinbing Wang,Crowdsensing Based Consensus Incident Report for Road Trafc Acquisition.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,
[9] Xiong Wang, Zhe Liu, Xiaohua Tian, Xiaoying Gan, Yunfeng Guang, and Xinbing Wang,Incentivizing Crowdsensing with Location-Privacy Preserving.IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
[10] Xiong Wang, Lei Ding, Qi Wang, Jin Xie, Tianyi Wang, Xiaohua Tian, Yunfeng Guan, and Xinbing Wang,A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Share Your Real-Time View on the Road.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,
[11] Xiong Wang, Luoyi Fu, Yang Zhang, Xiaoying Gan, and Xinbing Wang,VDNet: an infrastructure-less UAV-assisted sparse VANET system with vehicle location prediction.Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,
[12] Xiaoying Gan, Xiong Wang, Wenhao Niu, Gai Hang, Xiaohua Tian, Xinbing Wang, and Jun(Jim) Xu.Incentivize Multi-Class Crowd Labeling Under Budget Constraint.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
[13] Yuqing Li, Xiong Wang, Xiaoying Gan, Haiming Jin, and Xinbing Wang.Learning-aided Computation Offoading forTrusted Collaborative Mobile Edge Computing Constraint.IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,
Professional Affiliations
Research Group
Enrollment Information
Personal Homepage:
Web: http://faculty.hust.edu.cn/xiongwang/en/index.htm